Layout Columns ?
Fit Frames Vertically ?
Layout Rows ?
Frame Rate Dimmer ?
Resolution Dimmer ?
Language ?
Admin Username ?
Password ?
Surveillance Username ?
Password ?
motionEye Version 0.43.1b2
Motion Version 4.5.1
OS Version Linux 6.8.8-4-pve
Camera Name ?
Camera ID ?
Camera device ?
Camera Type
Automatic Brightness ?
Video resolution ?
Width ?
Height ?
Video Rotation ?
Frame rate ?
Privacy mask ?
Edit Mask
Save Mask
Clear Mask
Extra Options ?
Storage Device ?
Network server ?
SMB Protocol Version ?
Share name ?
Username ?
Share Password ?
Root directory ?
Test share
Disk usage
Upload Media Files ?
Upload Pictures ?
Upload Movies ?
Upload Service ?
Server Address ?
Server port ?
Method ?
Endpoint URL ?
Location ?
Include Subfolders ?
Clean Cloud ?
Username ?
Password ?
Authorization key ?
Access Key ?
Secret Access Key ?
Bucket ?
Test service
Call A Web Hook ?
Web Hook URL ?
HTTP method ?
Run A Command ?
Command ?
Left Text ?
Right Text ?
Text Scale ?
Streaming Frame Rate ?
Streaming Quality ?
Streaming Image Resizing ?
Streaming Resolution ?
Streaming Port ?
Authentication mode ?
Motion Optimization ?
Useful URLs ?
Image File Name ?
Image Quality ?
Capture mode ?
Snapshot Interval seconds ?
Preserve Pictures ?
Picture Lifetime days ?
Enable Manual Snapshots ?
? Movies
Movie File Name ?
Movie Passthrough ?
Movie format ?
Movie Quality ?
Recording Mode ?
Maximum Movie Length seconds ?
Preserve Movies ?
Movies Lifetime days ?
Frame Change Threshold ?
Maximum Change Threshold pixels ?
Automatic Threshold Tuning ?
Automatic Noise Detection ?
Noise Level ?
Light Switch Detection ?
Despeckle Filter ?
Motion Gap seconds ?
Captured Before frames ?
Captured After frames ?
Minimum Motion Frames frames ?
Mask ?
Mask Type ?
Smart Mask Sluggishness ?
Edit Mask
Save Mask
Clear Mask
Show Frame Changes ?
Create Debug Media Files ?
Actions when motion has started:
Send An Email ?
Email Addresses ?
SMTP Server ?
SMTP Port ?
SMTP Account ?
SMTP Password ?
From Address ?
Use TLS ?
Attached Pictures Time Span seconds ?
Test Email
Send Telegram Notification ?
HTTP API token ?
Chat ID ?
Attached Images Time seconds ?
API Information
Call A Web Hook ?
Web Hook URL ?
HTTP method ?
Run A Command ?
Command ?
Actions when motion has ended:
Call A Web Hook ?
Web Hook URL ?
HTTP method ?
Run A Command ?
Command ?
Monday from to ?
Tuesday from to ?
Wednesday from to ?
Thursday from to ?
Friday from to ?
Saturday from to ?
Sunday from to ?
Detect Motion ?